Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Star of Bethlem, Sign or Smoke?

Star of Bethlehem?

I'm seeing this article pop up on my timeline and other's websites. While I love science, and I would LOVE for Jesus to return, there is one problem with the "Star of Bethlehem" convergence.

This convergence, as well as the one that is estimated to have occurred around 2BC, both occurred in the evening sky just after sunset. Venus will either trail or proceed the Sun by an hour meaning it will only be in view in the east before sunrise and the west after sunset. This instance appears in the west after sunset.

The Bible's account:
Sure the Wise Men were from the East, implying they traveled West to follow the star, however, they didn't follow the start until they had already traveled West and when they turned around they looked to the east and saw the star. Mathew 2:1-2 says they were from the east AND saw the star in the east and decided to follow it. They were not IN the east but were FROM the east. In fact, they were West of Bethlehem and followed the star Eastward to Christ.

Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, saying, "Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east, and have come to worship Him" (Matt. 2:1-2, NASB). [emphasis added]

That means a convergence with Jupiter and Venus in the west is not the "Star of Bethlehem" unless the convergence occurred in the morning.

Morning/Evening Star

Looking deeper into morning or evening, It's safe to say most people in that period traveled by day which would indicate the star rose in the east just before sunrise. But have you tried to follow a star during the day? (besides our sun of course)

To follow the star would lend credence to traveling at night, and if the sun sets in the west and the star rose in the east, and it gets darker, then the convergence is not with a planet closer to the sun than Earth, ruling out Mercury and Venus as being a member of the "Bethlehem Star" group. Venus' maximum elongation is 46 degrees. While capable of being visible long into the night, it could not have risen in the east but instead slowly appear as a twinkling star in the evening.

There is a lot of speculation and theories as to what this "Star of Bethlehem" was; a comet, a supernova, a convergence of other planets (not Venus). The testimony in Mathew says the star was moving, ruling out a convergence which appears to stand still for several days. But the fact that the Magi called it a "new star" combined with their wisdom to know the difference between a star and a comet, I believe it rules out that it was a comet. "New" indicates they have been tracking the stars and this one wasn't seen before, which could prove it's a supernova, but again, the appearance of movement would be zero to them without telescopes as supernova are light years away.

So what was it? No one knows for sure, but I feel credit can be given to a Miracle.

But what about prophecy? Isn't there a sign that the second coming is close by the appearance of a star? One reference I found was Luke 21:25a "There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars."

Doesn't specify.

How about a direction? I've heard it said "Jesus will come from the East" but I've also heard West. What's the Bible say? I found this in Mathew 24:27 "For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. "

I don't think it matters which way you face, according to this verse, the coming of the Lord will be seen from any direction.

In the confusion of the world today, it's only natural for Christians to look to the heavens and ask God to hurry up and rescue us. We've lost our way, as a nation, and as a world. Wrong has become right and right is now wrong. Right and wrong is no longer decided based on morals or law, but based on feelings. We might look west while others look east. We follow our own compass, not calibrated to any logic, distracted from true north because true north has become taboo and doesn't align with our feelings.

I believe this convergence, as cool and bright and unique as it is, is just that, a convergence of two planets who's line of sight with our planet will be worth staying up and outside on a summer evening to witness as it most likely won't happen again in your lifetime. I don't believe it should be referred to as "The star of Bethlehem." Calling it that might be a distraction.

Is this a false sign? Is this the enemy making us look to the west and distract us from the actual sign in the east? I don't know, that's not my call. The Bible says we are to be ready for His return, from whatever direction it will be from.

For me, I'll be watching the whole sky, not just the west.


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Geek + Dad = Tech Kids

This past year I got more involved with my kid's education than I have in the past. But since I'm no ordinary Dad, I had to incorporate my passion into my passing of knowledge to my offspring.

Most Fathers take their kids hunting, dropping a trophy kill (at least in the eyes of the kid), or perhaps fishing at a hidden spot known only by the preceding fathers. Still other Dads coach their kids in sports, pushing a football or hockey or whatever. And there are others still that go camping, hiking, biking, running.

I'm not any of those fathers, because I didn't have any of those types.

While my Dad did take me places, like Irish Hills being the most memorable, and he showed up to a few of my soccer games, he never really had a chance to poor out his passion into me. I blame myself for this, not because he didn't try, but because his passion just wasn't mine.

But I do remember one specific time where we really spoke on a very close level. I had just finished a block in tech school in the Air Force. I had just learned how to rebuild a diesel engine and tune the injectors. It was the only block out of 14 that I got a 100% on the test. I couldn't wait to get back to the dorm so I could call my Dad. I knew he would be so proud, but when I told him what I had learned, I could hear his silence. I know now it was because I had given credit to the school, instead of to my Dad who showed me in the shed the inner workings of engines. My Dad laid the foundation of what I had learned.

It was my Dad who, without me even knowing, instilled just a basic structure upon which life would build the man I am. And now, the man as a father must now learn how to build the basic structure into his own children.

But in today's world, it's tough to be engaged. Most parent's brains turn off when their kid starts talking about building redstone iron gollem farms in Minecraft, or how to breed the newest monster in My Singing Monster. Not me, instead I try to stay one step ahead of technology.

Now here's where the fork in the road separates me from most parents, especially fathers. My generation grew up with no computers in the house, mine included. Our school had only one computer for the entire building and it had a waiting list to use the word processor. So it's no surprise that most fathers would choose to take their children outside, away from technology, into the world.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy camping, hiking, exploring. But I've learned my children just aren't into that. So I'll teach them what their passions are ... technology.

There are two possible outcomes when it comes to old school vs new school. The first is that a world catastrophe occurs and we lose all electricity, being forced back into the dark ages. In that case, technology will be gone and my kids will be left staring at a dead computer with no useful skills.

But then there's the other possibility, that technology makes such leaps and bounds that even the people who clean your office will have to know how to program just to change the garbage bag under your desk. I'm betting this will happen, in which case my children will have not only a basic structure, but will also have the experience needed to keep me out of assisted living! (hint hint)

So this year I started off by teaching my kids history. Well, in the geek world, HTML 1.0 is ancient history, but the kids had fun building their own web site with links and everything. All using notepad!

Then we went on to how easy it is to use Google products. Right now all three kids have their own Blog and website upon which they write entries more often than I do, visible to their family only.

Michael wants to be a programmer, so I'm learning Python with him. Next we'll move on to (shudders) Java. He's already got ideas and plans to write a text based adventure game before moving on to graphics. He's also got his eyes on age 14 when he'll be able to try and get an internship under some developers here at my office. Right now Mike and I are designing a web enabled thermostat for the house. This will teach him basic electronics and give him some experience with programming.

Paige is my little artist and I hope she keeps me in her will because her works will be very valuable after she dies! (Morbid I know, it's a joke so lighten up) She saved up some baby sitting money to buy a drawing tablet for her computer. When I researched the model she had chosen, I taught her how to check reviews, both positive and more importantly negative, we discovered she would be making a bad choice. To support her we doubled her money so she could get the next best one. an hour later she drew a huge dragon and uses it like an extra hand.

Gabe wants to be a "professional gamer" and write reviews about new games, and tutorials for older ones. This is a tough area for me as I am easily addicted to games, and honestly think some of the games he plays are quite stupid. But I still need to support him (even if I pray he changes his career choice!). Believe it or not, there are very successful pros in the gaming world! Who knew?

The point is, our kids, no ALL kids, need to be allowed to explore their future, and we need to be there in their foundation lifting them up in their choices. I know my Dad is proud that I'm a geek, he supported me in every choice I made. I know he would have been just as proud if I had become a mechanic like him.

We as Dads, geek or not, need to embrace the change that is our children, and be involved in it.

So how do you support your kids dreams and passions when they differ from yours? What foundational skills do you think they need for the future they desire?


Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year, New Blog, New Decade

I sit here on January 1 2015 watching a movie with the wife. At the same time I'm working on transferring our blogs (My Rants and her sarah.therumfelts.com blog) over to Blogger which offers a great deal more options, like facebook sharing, scheduled posts, and other meta data for bloggers. It also allows IFTTT to post again, which for some reason was broken from google sites' announcement pages. Trying to get Sarah's site set up so she can help others.

 I also think about the past year. Last night at midnight we shared with the kids the tradition of reflecting on our last year and accomplishments.

We also told them it's tradition to set goals for the upcoming year. All of us shared what we would hope to accomplish in 2015. We laughed and coached as well as complimented their goals.

But this day, January 1, is the day 3652 of 3652. For tomorrow I start a new decade of life, tomorrow I turn 40.

I look back at the past ten years and wonder first off where it went! Then I start to see the accomplishments:

  • Promoted to lead tech at Red Flag - Achieved my Associates degree in Information Technologies
  • Moved my sister to Alaska
  • Joined Civil Air Patrol
  • Awarded Senior Student in Mission Aircrew School for CAP.
  • Promoted to LT in CAP
  • Awarded Presidential Volunteer Service Award
  • Credited with two search and rescue finds
  • Flew in Red Flag-Alaska exercies
  • Bought a home
  • Visited Japan and friends with Sarah
  • Started volunteering for the Fairbanks Ice Dogs as video producer for live stream
  • Learned how to "fell" a tree
  • Served as board member, elder, trustee, and deacon (at different times) for North Pole A/G
  • Acted as Youth Director for several months while our Church transferred pastoral staff
  • Lead my Dad to the Lord just before he passed away
  • Accepted a position working as military simulator technician
  • Listened to God and took a step of faith to move from Alaska to Virginia
  • Accepted a position after moving as a system administrator
  • Received a Leonardo Award (at-a-boy) in every quarter of 2014

I know it looks like a resume, and looking at that list I agree. But it makes me realize just how blessed I am. At first I thought I had wasted parts of this past decade, but honestly, once I started the list, I realized I could keep going! I truly have been blessed!

So now I look to the future, I set goals, plan vacations, and dream about what my list will be in 10 years.

How about you? What's your list from 2014, your last decade, or life? You may think it not a long list, but start writing, I'm sure you will find you have accomplished a lot more than you remembered!

So start writing!
