Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Are We Alone? Nope!

posted Jul 8, 2013, 3:09 PM by Jon Rumfelt   [ updated Jul 8, 2013, 3:12 PM ]
I used to be a firm believer that we were not "alone" in the universe. At this point, I feel that IF there is life on other planets, that it is simply bacteria or plant like in nature. Maybe as advanced as small bugs.
Cool Alien
I like what this astronomer, Allan Penny, from the UK had to say:

“It’s quite possible that we’re alone in the Universe. And think about the implications of that: if we’re alone in the Universe then the whole purpose in the Universe is in us. If we’re not alone, that’s interesting in a very different way.” (

Read again "if we're alone in the Universe then the whole purpose in the Universe is in us."

The heavens were created for us to cast our eyes upon in witness of God's great power. To the point that "The stars can not contain" His presence. As far as God can see, He created it all for US!!! Every star in the sky, every point of light, every source of electromagnetic energy, He created for us to gaze upon, to discover.

Hubble Ultra Deep Field

Every speck of light comes from a star. In Hubble Ultra Deep Field, scientists thought they were peering into a dark, empty part of space. Only that's not what they found! They found even more of God's painting! Every dot in HUDF was a GALAXY!!

If the universe's purpose is to host us, it becomes incomprehensible the size of God's grace! Imagine if you owned the world's tallest building (as of 2010):
Big Buildings
You have the whole building to yourself. No renters, no businesses, nothing. All by yourself. Now lets say you have a friend coming over to visit. You want this friend to be comfortable and have space to move around. So you tell him he and his family can stay in the tower. He has the WHOLE tower to himself and you go get a hotel room so your friend will have privacy. Everywhere your friend goes is your property, set aside for his enjoyment. Every room he looks in is a reminder of your hospitality. Every fridge is completely stocked with food, every pantry full. Ever more a reminder that you are accommodating. Nothing is empty, not even the toothpaste in every bathroom.

Imagine the space your friend would have! It would be overwhelming! How could he have such a good friend to let him stay in such a great space? 

This example only pales in comparison to the universe. But you can begin to see why we feel alone or even insignificant. It can be quite daunting to look at such splendor and scale of the universe. It makes it difficult to feel honored that it is all created for us.

Pale Blue Dot
Carl Sagan said:
"Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark."

Carl is a notable scientist, a great astronomer, but a lousy motivational speaker! Here he is looking at Earth as it was shot from Voyager 1 when it was 3.7 billion miles away. Yes, Earth is small, but NOT insignificant. As of now, it's the only place in the universe where we can live!

When the enemy wants to discourage us, he makes us look within; at ourselves and our pitiful size compared to the problem. If you look inside, you see you are small and unable to handle the problem. You become that lonely speck in the dark.

But if you look outward, to the sky and heavens, gaze upon HIS splendor, you will find that while you may be small, and smaller than your problem, you have a BIG God who's creation has spread beyond the interstellar horizons. His hand is on your side! The stars represent the amount of LOVE he has for you and that HE is bigger than your problem. The "delusion" Carl speaks of is not arrogance or "imagined self-importance." 

We ARE important! Important enough to have an entire universe, even time itself, created for us. Scientists who look outward will see, those who look inward, will miss it.

Are we alone? Nope! We have the best host. We have God!

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