Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Rumfelt Job's Plan (Dependent Section)

posted Aug 16, 2012, 3:20 PM by Jon Rumfelt
The Rumfelt Jobs Plan (Dependent Section): Remove minimum wage requirements from dependents (those who are claimed by their parents on taxes) allowing companies to hire more employees. Provide tax credits to the business owner for every employee based on the pay scale, less credit for those under minimum wage, more as the pay goes up. Parents of working dependents would receive an additional tax c
Teens, and those mooching off mom and dad (er, I mean "living at home") won't like the low pay, but they aren't paying rent and buying groceries (at least not as much as an independent living on their own). This model requires dependents to build work ethic making them a better person and earning experience before they even get to college.
In this economy, we need jobs more than we need to buy the newest car or shoes. Companies can not afford to keep paying the doped up kid at McD's $8/hr when he could get two teens who would individually be twice as productive for $4/hr.
An employee could then tell the workers that in X number of months, one of them will receive a raise based on their work performance. Then when the better is promoted, the owner receives an increase in tax benefits and a hard working employee, the dependent has officially EARNED (I know, bad word) his movie/gamestop money, parents receive a little kick back for supporting their kid's desire to enter the work force, the IRS gets tax revenue from the worker, and the economy fills a much needed job slot.

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