Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Fully Committed

posted Jun 27, 2013, 4:26 PM by Jon Rumfelt
God is amazing! And I mean it! Not only has He blessed me with an amazing wife who has given me three outstanding children, he has truly blessed me with the best friend anyone could have. This friend keeps me focused on God and eager to reach out to receive what God has for me. He also ensures I follow through with my actions by giving me no excuse to walk on the water towards Jesus.

Our tickets, provided by God, are booked! We fly out of Alaska on August 6th and our new chapter begins August 7th. Then, 20 minutes later, I receive an email asking if I'm available for an interview!!

That means no turning back! We have to pack all our belongings, selling what we don't need or is easily replaceable. We've had an online garage sale, and an actual garage sale, and now a follow up online sale. We've all gotten rid of so much stuff, going from an estimated 10,000 lbs of household goods to an estimated 500 lbs that will be shipped, and maybe a few hundred pounds of stuff going with us on the plane. I myself have tossed five 30 gal garbage cans FULL of electronics from PC's to cables and still have tools to part from. Sarah has done what no man thinks a woman can do, she successfully decreased her closet space by well over 50% !! For a few weeks, I had more clothes than her. The kids have sacrificed as well, books, toys, clothes, nothing is off limits if it can be replaced cheap.

We are selling the car, today hopefully, and that will boost the moving funds and help get the house on the market. Which brings me to the house. We move out this weekend and will be putting the house on the market next weekend, the 4th of July weekend.

Now here's where the miracle prayer starts. We prayed that we would sell the house "as quickly as we purchased it." Which, for those of you that don't know, we were told on July 1st to "Go hunting for your home" and we had our price range we qualified for. We drove around the neighborhood and found this awesome house with a fenced in yard. We looked at it, estimated the asking price, and called. They were at Safeway in North Pole and had left the house 20 minutes prior putting the For Sale by Owner sign up!!! TWENTY minutes! That's it! They sold their house, and we made it our home, in 20 minutes!!

Flash forward to today and we plan on putting our home up for sale on the same weekend we found it. We pray that the perfect couple comes driving by a mere 20 minutes after we stick the sign in the ground. We pray they see what we saw (And MORE) and are so drawn to the house they call us. We also closed on the house in only 14 days, the notary said that was the fastest he'd personally seen!

So if you know of anyone looking to buy a house and make it a home, please send them our way. This Blessing house has been more than a home, it has been a teacher, a comforter, a party host, and a shelter for the Rumfelt family.

Details: 1270 sq ft, 3 bdrm, 2bath, garage, on one acre with 1/2 of the acre fenced in. We'll be asking at least $210,000. Signs go up on July 1st. We'll be painting and finishing trim all next week, and photos will follow along with a FB, Craig's List, and Eielson For Sale posting.

In the mean time, we are moving into the out-laws this evening and into the weekend. Things are going to get tight for the R5 crew, but one thing we know for sure... we are fully committed.


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