Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Red Belts and Apples

(posted Oct 22, 2011, 6:01 PM by Jon Rumfelt)
Michael and I were awarded our Red Belts today in Tai Kwon Do. Now when we test, we'll have three forms, three one steps, sparring, and finally, breaking boards!!! I'm excited to see how Michael learns the new form and one steps, but I'm more concerned about the board breaking. I've seen how easy people make breaking boards look, but I have to tell you, I've held these boards during a test and I've seen toes get broken and hands bruised. We'll have to learn perfect form, and we'll have to be ready for injuries.

We have dinner tonight with friends. One of which was in the room and watched Paige come into this world at the hospital. The other I had the privilege of picking up from the airport when he arrived in Alaska for Master's Commission. So they are cooking the main meal and Sarah and I are bringing the desert. So I looked up a cool recipe for the BBQ grill and using deserts. So I cored apples, filled it with apricot jam, brown sugar, and finally butter. Then fired up the grill and dropped Jack Daniels hickory on the coals. Once up to temp, I put the apples in the grill and left them alone. I was supposed to keep them smoking for at least an hour, but I couldn't keep the temperature down and they cooked more than they smoked. Since I made 5, one was for taste testing and was a sacrificial lamb. All I can say is WOW, I've never cut an apple with a fork, but this was incredible! My first desert, and my first desert on the grill, Tim and Jamie are going to LOVE it!!


And Cooked!

Have a cool desert I could try on the grill? Leave a comment with your recipe and I'll give it a shot.

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