Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Speaking of Grilling...

posted Oct 27, 2011, 7:23 PM by Jon Rumfelt
Today was parent teacher conferences for Paige and Gabriel! As expected, Paige and Gabe are both excellent readers and Paige's teacher said she needs to be a writer, so we'll be creating a section on this site for her titled "My Paige" where she can display her writing abilities for all to see. Please check out her posts and comment on them for constructive criticism and praise. For Gabe, he needs to work on his hand writing skills as he follows after his dad, whom Grandma said could write prescriptions! Both have their areas of extreme awesomeness in school, but the areas they need work on... well we are going to be increasing the heat in those areas!! They will be quized and quized until they know their times tables and story retention (respectfully).

Speaking of grilling... I cooked dinner tonight on the new indoor grill! From defrost to table, was all on me! I think it was the first meal that was completely on my shoulders. Made some nicely cooked chicken breasts with the Nicoise Rub I made for the steaks a few weeks back. They blackened nicely and had a salty crunch when bit into, and the pepper flakes were just enough spice to crave more. On the side, fries. For the two extreme picky eaters I made hot dogs on the same indoor grill.

I have to say, I'm becoming quite a culinary enthusiast! Something completely different from 20 years ago when Uncle Jim tried to teach me how to make a grilled cheese sandwich and I cried and said "NO! I'm NOT a cook!"

Sorry, I forgot to take pictures, I'll remember next time.

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